Weltwand (Build a world)

Hubert Lobnig


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Grundschule Ravensburger Ring 37, 81243 München

Fassade: Digital- und Siebdruck auf Faserzementplatten, 18 m x 10,5 m; Gestaltung der Schulwebsite; Digitale Lautschrift: "Willkommen" in den vielen verschiedenen Sprachen der Schüler*innen, 17 m x 24 cm x 10 cm; 19 Paravants, siebbedruckt mit Motiven der Weltwand, 1500 x 990 x 27 mm; Assistenz: Tom Klengel; Zusammenarbeit für die Gestaltung der Schulwebsite mit Karin Holzfeind

Architecture: Schwinde Architekten, München, LMJD Architekten, München

Landscape architecture: Roos Landschaftsarchitektur, München

Photos: Hubert Lobnig

Text: Roberta de Righi

Weltwand (Build a world)

“It’s a small world,” adults like to say when they happen to run in to old acquaintances in a big city. That’s both right and wrong at the same time. Especially today, we are heavily interconnected all around the world. This is easy to see on the Worldwall that the Austrian artist Hubert Lobnig created (with help from the pupils) for the new wing of the elementary school at Ravensburger Ring 37.

The artist considers the school a place for exchanges whose cultural diversity offers an opportunity to learn from each other without a hierarchy. Lobnig wanted to visualize this social fabric, so the Worldwall shows us that these school families represent thirty-nine nationalities. In a series of workshops, he allowed children in all grades to record their knowledge about the countries their families hail from. He integrated their paintings and writings into the world map, which was printed on the façade.

The result is a very special map: yes, you recognize such sights as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Ka’aba in Mecca, and the Taj Mahal in India, but this view of the earth is also full of signs that cannot be deciphered at first glance. Instead, they lead to their own individual worlds of childhood experiences. You’ll find a logger’s flannel shirt in Canada, a football pitch beneath the hot Nigerian sun, or Andrei and his animals in Siberia. And one of the drawings is of a step pyramid that recalls the Tower of Babel. For the artist, the latter does not symbolize linguistic confusion, but is instead a symbol of intercultural communication. That is why there is a written supplement to the Worldwall in the form of an LED sign set above the entrance gate, with the word “welcome” running across it in several languages. The school’s website was also redesigned. All of this transforms the story of global migration at the school on Ravensberger Ring into one of fellowship writ large.

Weltwand (Build a world)