
Thierry Boissel


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Grundschule Margarethe-Danzi-Straße 18, 80639 München

Emaille-Malerei auf Floatglas

Architecture: Köhler Architekten und beratende Ingenieure Gauting

Photos: Thierry Boissel, Ingrid Scheffler

Text: Cornelia Gockel


Daubs of colorful paint dance across the glass surface, clustering into little groups and losing themselves again in free play. Thierry Boissel has transformed the noise barriers at the elementary school on Margarethe Danzi Strasse in Nymphenburg into an abstract painting that only obeys laws of its own. These are warm colors, corresponding not only to the building but to the surrounding nature as well.

Two poems – “Der Regenbogen” (The Rainbow) by Josef Guggenmos and “Der Baum” (The Tree) by Eugen Roth – inspired this work. They describe allegorical manifestations in nature. If you study Boissel’s painting a little more intensively, its internal logic becomes apparent. Because the artist has assigned letters from the alphabet to his colors, turning it into an abstract image and transferring it to the glass wall. A visit to the school’s inner courtyard allows the poems to be deciphered with help from the color code on a little hand-held tablet. For the schoolchildren, decoding the daubs of color means making playful use of words and pictures. “With the color poems, I wanted to appeal to several senses at once,” explains the artist.

Boissel, who heads the workshop for glass painting, light, and mosaics at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste (Academy of Fine Arts), has been experimenting for several years with a freestyle artistic implementation of texts. “So herrliche Farben kann keiner bezahlen, sie über den halben Himmel zu malen“ (To paint such gorgeous colors across the sky could not be done at any price), it says in a stanza from Guggenmos’s “Rainbow.” Yet Thierry Boissel seems to have painted his lyrical abstractions directly upon the sky, for nature and art entertain a richly intriguing dialogue upon the glass wall at the elementary school.
